Reading 25 - I See but Dimly Through the Veil 

I See but Dimly Through the Veil 

O mountains, O seas; 
To black gullies terribly unstable I cling, 
Perched crumbling on buttresses, 
Precarious on razorwire traverses, 
My naked heart sings; 
Running madly through fires and fogs, 
On bridges, on landings, on exposed promenades; 
Sandblasted! Spraystung! Saltwhipped! 
Jagged at the bare lips of the caldera I flail, 
Howling to Venus, to Jupiter, to Mars, 
Howling to Sirius, White Dog of winter, 
Low lantern to my fecund love; 
To the great dark whale backed mountain, dark; 
I sing the blue shock of sunset, swimming 
Against magenta circles, pale in a scattered sky 
The dark ridge of dark hills rides, 
The intense core of beauty, dark awesome heart, 
I contemplate, long drawn out; 
Like hot metal quenched, 
My naked body diving into cool green ponds, 
Silver sodium on a tray of ice, 
O fumes! O plumes! The crackle of life; 
Touch with sensitive fingers and feel 
the folds of old discoloured manuscripts; 
Admire the elegance of mathematical proofs 
hanging as art on my gallery walls; 
Listen to the campfire stories of youth 
bowled over plates of treacled beans; 
Taste rich red wine in the heady aromatic cellars 
where sultry beauties whimbrel in the ripe rain; 
Smell the sun rising off the great northern forest 
as the first brave bird of spring sings; 
See the huge dark whale backed mountain dark 
dark-rising from the vast verdant plain; 
O naked heart, reveal your mysteries! 
Strip off your veil! 
Fracture your pig-iron mask! 
Split your cotton-wool cocoon! 
Raid the quantum frontier! 
Surf the Schwartzschild radius! 
Ride the wildcat singularities! 
Blackheart, Blackblood, Blackbrain 
Powerless against the cold hard rock 
Beaten against the cold dark stone 
Blackheart, Blackguts, Blackbrain 
Fighting against the cold hard rock 
Naked against the cold dark stone 
O helium fusing wagons of heat! 
O cauterised barrels of grief! 
Awesome, tempestuous prophet I rage 
Tethered, fevered, ensnared; In poisonous 
pitchblende heat I splice the last guanine link 
And mix saltpetre in my rusting can 
And scream the tormented lullabies of the insane 
Until the numbing malarious fibres loosen their hold 
And I kick open my concrete tomb 
And the sulphurous blossom of my nightshade poetry 
rains down, creative and alive. 
This magic sends a schism through me 
The raw shock of beauty 
Each time the veil is removed 
And my sensual sands riot